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Unsure of where to start with your project? As with any major project a successful landscape package starts with a plan. Let our experts help you develop the plan you need to create the design you want. By establishing a design in the beginning you save both time and money in the long run by avoiding having to re-do things that you missed the first time. A consultation is a great way to get all the ideas out on the table and find what works best for you.

What is included in a consultation?

A consultation begins by a member of Green Lawn Specialists coming to your home and taking pictures of your existing lot. We will then talk with the homeowner at length and get an idea of what they are looking for. Along the way we will make recommendations based on our 20 plus years in the business. This is a brainstorming session where all ideas are tossed around and we find some that stick. We will discuss things such as irrigation, landscape lighting, water features, type of grass, designing of flower beds, trees, plants, flowers, pavers and much, much more…

Is there a cost for a consultation?

Consultations are $150 for the first hour and $100 per hour thereafter. If however, the homeowner decides on a landscape package provided by Green Lawn Specialists everything beyond the initial consultation fee is refunded.

Drawings provided of landscape design

We also provide the service of having one of our in-house engineers to draw your plans for you in full color using the latest landscape design software. There is a $300 fee for this service per drawing. However, if the homeowner decides on a landscape package provided by Green Lawn Specialists the diagram is included for free.

Call today and schedule your consultation – 828-375-0235